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- Jitter 1.6.2 (47.3 MB) Released 9/22/06. For Mac PPC and Intel machines running OS X 10.3.9 or later (10.4 recommended).
- Jitter 1.6 documentation only (14 MB) Released 9/22/06.
- Jitter 1.5.2 (30 MB) Released 11/12/05. For Mac PPC machines.
- Jitter 1.5 documentation only Released 7/29/05.
- Jitter 1.2.4 (25 MB) Released 06/08/05. For Mac PPC machines.
- Jitter 1.2.4 without documentation (7 MB) Released 06/08/05.
- Jitter 1.1.1 documentation only (17.3 MB) Released 8/01/03. For Mac PPC machines.
Max/MSP 4.3.2 System Requirements: Max/MSP 4.3 requires OS X 10.2, 256 MB minimum of system memory recommended. Not compatible with Intel based Macs and OS 10.5+.
Max for Live MIDI Devices: Audio Devices: 1846: Max for Live Audio Devices: MIDI Instruments: 567: Max for Live MIDI Instrument Devices: LFO/Modulation: 400: LFO Devices for modulating Ableton Live parameters: Sequencers: 897: Devices including sequencers: Drum Machine: 355: Devices for Beats: Sample Glitch: 509: Boring beats? Ableton Live 10.1.25 Crack Keygen for Win & Mac This application is basically a music software company that has a big influence on the international market. Ableton Live is the best-selling music software in this business.
Jitter 1.6.2 for OS X System Requirements: A PowerPC or Intel Mac computer. MacOS X 10.3.9 or higher (10.4 recommeded) and 512 MB of RAM. Max/MSP 4.6 or later installed on your system. QuickTime 6.0 or later. OpenGL 1.5 or later installed on your system. An OpenGL hardware-accelerated video card is recommended.
Jitter 1.5.1 for OS X System Requirements: A PowerPC MacOS computer. MacOS X 10.3 or higher and 256 MB of RAM. Max/MSP 4.5.5 or later installed on your system. QuickTime 6.0 or later. OpenGL 1.5 or later installed on your system. An OpenGL hardware-accelerated video card is recommended.
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Jitter 1.2.4 for OS X System Requirements: A PowerPC MacOS computer (G3/300 or faster with an OpenGL hardware-accelerated video card is recommended). Mac OS X 10.2 or higher and 256 MB of RAM. Max/MSP 4.3.2 (for OSX) or later installed on your system. QuickTime 5.0 or later. OpenGL 1.2 or later installed on your system.

Max for Live Essentials includes 16 Instruments, 10 audio effects, and 8 MIDI effects. The Pack also features demo Live Sets that showcase the new Max for Live Synths and Drum Synths, as well as Instrument, Audio and MIDI Effect Racks. The Max for Live Essentials Pack includes:
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BASS: a monophonic virtual analog synthesizer that provides the entire palette of bass sounds in one device – from classically deep and clean to heavily distorted, rumbling tones.
POLI: a virtual analog synth designed to for playing classic polyphonic chords and phrases. Its vintage character comes from de-tunable oscillators, a powerful modulation section and a built-in chorus.
MULTI: a highly versatile and fun multimode synthesizer which combines six synth engines in a single device. Designed for intuitive sound creation, Multi’s parameter controls change according to the selected mode, while the ‘Random’ control lets you discover inspiring, unforeseen sounds.
Drum Synths: 13 custom-created synthesizers for drum and percussion sounds, with velocity control over just about every parameter. Try them for leads and basses too.

Audio Effects
Convolution Reverb: a sample-based reverb suite with hundreds of impulse responses from real-world spaces and world-class hardware. Featuring two devices; Convolution Reverb and Convolution Reverb Pro with added controls, plus a utility for creating your own reverb spaces.
Buffer Shuffler 2.0: an improved version of Live 8’s Buffer Shuffler, with new effects for sequencing (including stutter, gate, pitch, frequency shift, amp, and pan), plus a redesigned interface with improved layout and pattern storage. New options for “dice” modes let you precisely fine tune how sequences change over time.

Pitch Drop: recreates the sound of a vinyl record slowing down after the turntable's motor is stopped. This results in the effect of the sound being pitched down.
MIDI Effects
Arp: an advanced pattern-based MIDI Arpeggiator. It can sort, repeat and transpose incoming MIDI notes in various ways, while controlling a number of other parameters such as note length, velocity and more.
MonoSequencer: sequence a melody according to a flexible grid, with separate dedicated sequencers for note, velocity, octave, duration, and note repeats. Notes can be locked to key and scale, and each sequence comes with an intelligent randomizer. Sequences can be synched with Live, or trigger via MIDI input.
Instant Haus: a beat generator optimized for house music or broken beats and comes with a large variety of patterns for both styles.
NoteEcho: a MIDI echo with a number of unique features.
Control Devices
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Highly useful tools for deep control over your Live Sets and sounds.
MAP8: a utility macro device that's particularly useful with Push and other eight-knob controllers.
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LFO: a Max for Live device that uses an LFO (low frequency oscillator) to modulate a single parameter in your Live Set. There’s also A MIDI version of the LFO.

MultiMap: a control Device that allows you to map up to eight parameters anywhere in your Live set.
XYPad: lets you control two Live parameters with an XY pad.
Envelope: a Max for Live device that uses an envelope function generator to modulate a single parameter in your Live Set.
Envelope Follower: a Max for Live device that tracks the changes in volume of an incoming audio signal and uses this information to modulate a mapped parameter.
Explore Max for Live Essentials for yourself, and discover how these devices and Racks can enhance your music-making experience.