Franzus Converter Instructions

Franzus Foreign Electricity Converter Instructions
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Franzus Converter Instructions
My daughter is on a school exchange trip to France. She took her flat iron with her (120V, 32W) and a transformer to use. The flat iron does not have a third prong (for grounding) but has one prong that is wider, which fits into the receptacle of the transformer. My daughter sent me an e-mail that said she thought she had blown out her flat iron there. Later in the day she e-mailed again from a different location and said that the French family was having electrical problems in their home. I have not received any additional e-mails from my daughter in the meantime (two days) and assume it means they are still having electrical problems. My fear is that my daughter somehow caused the electrical problem in the family's home by plugging in her flat iron. Is that possible? Could we have purchased the wrong type of transformer? In one place (on the box) it said it converted 110V to 220-240. Another place (the actual instructions) said 110-120V to 220-240. I really hope we are not responsible for causing a major electrical problem for these people!! Has anyone heard of a similar thing occurring?